Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Character Profile - Jack

For my end of year film I worked on character profiles for making my script/story progress further and making it an overall better story.

I thought figuring out the characters more would make the film, and characters, more authentic. This character profile is of the male lead - Jack.

Jack is a hard working individual in what ever he does, he sets goals and completes them. He almost has an addictive personality in the sense he either works too hard or plays too hard (no balance) and that's were his dilemma starts.

"All work and no play make's Jack a dull boy"

He however doesn't see himself as having a problem, he sees it as he has too much work to do to leave or ignore it so he tries to get it all out of the way so he doesn't forget about it…he is very cautious.

He then compensates by thinking… "Oh well I've done all this work I deserve it."  This is how he gets into his dilemma, from one extreme to another.

So work and play conflict each other, he spends one time working too much and another playing too much.

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