Wednesday, 5 February 2014

It Starts Again

So last week we were giving the theme of what will be our new film, DISLOCATION (hence the name of the blog). At first I was unclear what exactly it meant or how I could tie it in with a film, but once we as a class sat down and disused it in a production like fashion the initial haziness lifted.

While talking we discovered we can interpret it in a number of ways; all completely down to us. We can write a script, either documentary or fiction, where the subject is dislocated emotionally, physically, geologically etc. I plan on writing a script/treatment on a character who is dislocated from reality (but more of that from another post).

I plan on using all the cinematic techniques I have learned over the 2 years doing this course as well as using my own interpretation.

I hope to write and direct my own piece, as well as helping others on theirs for whatever they might need me for.

The film has to be a total of 5 mins long (including slugs, titles and credits) as at the end of the year we will be having a screening in the Odeon cinema... which is very exciting!

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